Monday, March 24, 2014

52 Week Homemade Pizza Challenge!

Hello fellow foodies and friends! 

This new blog has been created so we can document the pizza challenge happening at our house. 

Back story: we are 2 former fatties that still really love food. We have made many lifestyle changes that have resulted in collectively losing over 150 pounds. We workout, eat (mostly) clean and try to live healthy lives, but we also like to cook. Cecil professionally and Jackie domestically, and what better way to bring our two cooking styles together than to top homemade pizzas with gourmet ingredients? Our pizzas will range from healthy, to gluten free, to grilled, all the way to being our "cheat meal" for the week. One thing they will all have in common: completely vegetarian.

Backstory #2: We were gluten free for almost a year due to health concerns. We still regularly choose gluten free options, we have started to work gluten back into our diets. We have also recently committed to vegetarianism, for health and humanitarian reasons. 

Starting the first week in April we will start our 52 week Homemade Vegetarian Pizza Challenge. 

We will include recipes, pictures and our own reviews each week. 
Who's ready for some delicious pizza?!